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Skin Care

Your Complete Guide: How To Remove Dark Spots And Acne Scars

30 Apr, 2024
By Daniela Massenz
Few of us get through life unblemished. Happy for us, nowadays our dark spots and acne scars don’t have to be a life sentence as there are many effective at-home dark spot removers and dermatologist hyperpigmentation treatment alternatives…

Chances are you’re going to have pimples at some time in your life. For the lucky ones, it will be a brief blip during the teen years, and you’ll sail on unblemished into the rest of your life.

For many of us, however, especially if we’ve had severe cystic acne, it may leave a permanent reminder – dark marks and acne scars that can affect us both physically and emotionally and put a serious damper on our social life.

The amount of hyperpigmentation and scarring after a breakout depends on the severity of your acne, how it was treated (and how early), as well as your personal skin make-up.

It’s a no brainer to understand that preventing dark marks and scarring is far preferable to correcting it – this means not picking at your pimples and actively treating acne early, for as long as needed, to prevent or lessen skin inflammation that leads to scarring, dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Fortunately, there are many different types of hyperpigmentation treatments to help effectively remove both dark spots and acne scars on the face. These range from specialist creams and serums from your local drugstore, to a variety of low and high-tech clinical treatments offered by dermatologists and aesthetic clinics. But first, you have to know what you’re dealing with…

Types of Dark Marks and Acne Scars

Basically, if you injure your skin, your body will repair itself by knitting the tissues together, and you will be left with a reminder in the form of a scar or dark mark. How you scar depends on the injury, its treatment and your personal genetics.
The hard truth is that some of us are unluckily more prone to scarring than others. If you scar badly from an injury, the chances of scarring from acne are pretty good.
The mechanics are still not entirely understood, but great advances in research and scar-less healing (or less severe scarring) is showing great promise, and unlike a few years ago, there is a lot we can already do to make new and even old dark marks and scars less visible.
There’s no single magic bullet, however, as the different types of dark spots and acne scars need different solutions.
  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) is commonly considered acne scarring, but is actually discoloration of the skin (darker than your natural skin tone) where it has healed, caused by inflammation during healing.

    Often referred to as dark marks or spots, it can affect all skin tones, but is more common among people with darker complexions. With the right treatment and sun protection, you can fade them early – left untreated, it can take up to 18 months - but exposure to UV rays can make them worse.

  • PIH is different to red or purple marks that remain on the healed skin (more common on lighter complexions), which normally fade after a few months. However, you can reduce their appearance more quickly with treatment.

  • Atrophic scars appear as sunken depressions in the skin, because the skin hasn’t produced enough collagen while your blemishes were healing. There are three main types:
    • Ice pick scars: jagged-edged and deeper than their width.
    • Boxcar scars: Wide rectangular hollows with steep, defined edges.
    • Rolling scars: Broad hollows with rounded, sloping edges.

  • Hypertrophic scars are thick and stand out above the skin. They’re often red or pinkish. It may appear as though you still have acne.

  • Keloid scarring is hard and smooth and stands out above the skin. It occurs when the skin overproduces collagen during the healing process. This tough scar is usually genetic and tends to form most commonly on dark brown and black skin (about 1 in 6 people with black skin and acne vs 1 in 20 people with white or Asian skin types, according to American research). These require more specialist treatment than ordinary acne scars, as the wrong treatment could cause more scarring.

Preventing Dark Spots and Acne Scars

Apologies for repeating ourselves yet again, but picking at or squeezing pimples leads to worse inflammation and possible infection, which can cause more damage, as well as dark spots.

It’s worthwhile investing in your skin early – far less expensive than scar treatment - by seeing a dermatologist and qualified therapist at a reputable skin-care clinic (especially one that has dermatologists and aesthetic doctors on call). Let them manage your acne with regular facials, professional extractions (which won’t cause inflammatory damage), microdermabrasion, gentle chemical peels, etc. They may also use red or blue LED lights to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Carboxy therapy is an effective complementary treatment that improves the effect of other treatments. Tiny amounts of CO2 gas are injected into the target area, stimulating a healing response and helping to heal pimples and active acne by destroying the acne bacteria. It also helps prevent dark marks and  scarring plus it strengthens the skin.

If a real blinder raises its ugly head, you can nip it in the bud by asking your doctor for a cortisone injection. This will prevent inflammation that leads to scarring. However, don’t do this too often as it can in itself result in scarring.

Read More. Expert Advice on How to Finally Get Rid of Your Acne

How To Treat Dark Spots On The Face

If your pigmentation is not too severe, you can DIY with good-quality skin care cream or serum products:
Bear in mind that hyperpigmentation treatments can take a while to remove acne scars and dark spots. Your skin renewal cycle is approximately 28 days, and it takes roughly three cycles to start seeing noticeable results (more if you are older).

Read More. Product Reviews: BioNike Defence B-Lucent and Vitamin C To Remove Dark Spots and Marks

Hyperpigmentation and Scar Treatments For The Face: The Low-Tech Options

Again, sunscreen is important here, and the earlier you tackle a pigmentation problem or the scar (while it is still red and active), the better the result.
There is hope now for even old scars and dark spots, unlike the old days, but you need to be realistic about your expectations. Depending on the type and severity of the scar or dark mark, you can expect an improvement of between 30 and 70%. Anything more than that is a gift.
It’s quite likely that you’ll have a mixed bag of hyperpigmentation and/or scars, so you may need different treatments for each, and could even need a series of treatments.

Consult a dermatologist or reputable aesthetic skin care clinic for treatment options according to your needs and budget:
  • For keloid and hypertrophic scarring, the treatment of choice by dermatologists is steroid creams or steroids injected directly into the skin to thin, soften and flatten raised scars. Skin Renewal Clinics also use Titan infra-red light, Laser Genesis (as well as dark skin laser treatments) and Carboxytherapy treatments along with the steroid treatment.

    Unfortunately, this type of scar is prone to recurrence and will need a maintenance programme.  

  • With hollow atrophic scars, dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid can provide a temporary fix as they plump up certain scars (lasting between six months and a year).

The more permanent (and costly solutions) involve targeted in-clinic dermatologist treatments that rev up collagen production:
  • Microneedling (aka derma rolling) stimulates the skin's ability to repair itself and works for either dark spots or scarring. There are many options, which work by moving a sterile needle head over the targeted area, the microneedles create "mini wounds" that stimulate your body to release healing growth factors, triggering the production of collagen and elastin. This new, fresh collagen forms a smoother, more even appearance on the treated area over time.

    While in-office microneedling treatments are the most effective, see how you can also continue with DIY derma rolling at home.

  • Platelet-rich plasma treatments, aka vampire facials, make use of your own blood – it’s drawn, put in a centrifuge to separate the plasma, which is then injected back in to the targeted area to stimulate collagen production.

    These options are most effective for boxcar and rolling scars.

Mini surgery options may be required for more severe scarring:
  • Icepick scars are more problematic because of their depth and they are usually wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. The best option may be a punch excision, where the scar is cut out using a minute ‘cookie cutter’ device, then stitched up, so you end up with a smaller, more even, much flatter scar.

  • Scar subscision can improve the appearance of very deep scars. A trained doctor will insert a special needle into the scar to break the tether that pulls the scarred skin downwards. Following this, other treatments will smooth out the scar tissue itself and leave its colour more even.

Read More. How To Use Derma Rolling To Significantly Improve Your Skin: All You Need To Know

Dermatologist Hyperpigmentation and Scar Treatments For The Face: The High-Tech Options

Laser/light therapies have multiple functions, from stimulating collagen growth, to treating uneven skin texture, enlarged pores, scars, pigment problems like dark spots and marks, and as well as redness. For skins darker than medium skin tone, the laser options were few in the past, but happily this is changing. Here are a few of our best treatments:
  • Pink or red acne marks can be lightened considerably with pulsed-dye laser (like V-Beam), which targets haemoglobin (red pigment).

  • For dark spots and scars that are no longer red, Fraxel™ DUAL incorporates 2 lasers in 1 - used separately or together, depending on skin needs, and shows results in as little as 2-3 treatments, with hardly any downtime. It can treat all forms of hyperpigmentation, skin texture and improve acne scars. 

  • The Laser Genesis five-in-one treatment reduces the size of the sebaceous (oil) glands, eliminating inflammation, reducing pore size and improving acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. It is recommended for people with darker skins especially, and is even more effective when combined with Carboxy Therapy and Dermaroller skin needling, say the specialists at Skin Renewal.

Understand that treating dark spots and acne scars is a process of trying to reverse deep-seated marks and scarring on your face, and so will take time to clear up and reverse. There is no quick fix, but if you’re consistent and patient you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results…

Read More. Get Rid of Pigmentation and Dark Spots: Everything You Need To Know
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